ACDAP continuing professional development (CPD)
Association of Certified Digital Accounting Professionals (ACDAP) goal is to boost your knowledge, skills and progress your career with training and programme. ACDAP Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is providing intensive and collaborative approaches to professional development, including consultation, coaching, and communities of practice, lesson study, mentoring, reflective supervision and technical assistance. ACDAP provide a variety of other forms of learning, such as:
- Taught courses
- Self-study courses
- Programmes
- Seminars
- Workshops
- Networks
- Conferences
ACDAP conduct a large number of event, webinars and networking opportunities on many topics in accounting and finance sectors which suit your learning needs.
ACDAP CPDs are to help students, professionals and employers to keep skills and knowledge up to date. ACDAP CPDs enables organisations to become a knowledge bank to key stakeholders of your organisation.
ACDAP CPDs helps you manage your development on an ongoing basis. It helps you record, review and reflect on what you learn. It involves progression from necessary know-how to more advanced, mature or sophisticated understanding. On the other hand, ACDAP CDPs widen your range of transferable skills like leadership, managing projects or organising information etc. Some benefits include:
- Provide an overview of your professional development
- Remind you of your achievements
- Direct your career
- Help you keep an eye on career goals
- Uncover gaps in your skills and capabilities
- Open further development needs
- Demonstrate your professional standing to the stakeholders
- Help in career development
Looking at your overall career goals, make a note of what you need to do to achieve, which include further training, job or role progression or changes in direction.
ACDAP CPDs help students and professionals to regularly focus on how they can become a more competent and capable professional. Training and learning increase confidence and overall capability and compliments career aspirations. ACDAP CPDs encourage and help organisations to promote a healthy learning culture, leading to a more fulfilled workforce and retaining valuable staff.